Friday, March 03, 2006

Biblical Guidence

Biblical Guidance

A few years ago, Angela and I, were discussing biblical womanhood and femininity. Turning to the bible, we came across Titus 2 and 1 Peter 3, among others. Years of re-writing the bible for feministic thought and public opinion left few women who strived to become the biblical woman, and less who were so. Committed to create a congregation in which our daughters, and sons for that matter, would understand biblical roles and responsibility, we asked a few women we knew to help. One woman, Sherrie, is a wife of a missionary who has spent more than twenty years in Ghana, West Africa. Her and her daughters are testaments to God’s design for our lives here on earth. Another woman that came to mind is a friend, Karen, from Montana. She has raised 5 children and has wonderful insights into Christian life and womanhood. She is great at getting to the heart of the matter and is not afraid to go against the grain when standing for the truth.

Both women were happy to help, but Karen had more time available to us for regular emails and visited our area more during the year. Karen, Angela, and I set out to study the topics of women in the bible, biblical roles for husbands and wives, submission and other areas of study that we would encounter along the way. Our plan was to have Karen and I email back and forth and for Angela and I to meet on a weekly basis to discuss what we had done. We started, upon recommendation of a friend of Karen’s, to read and discus the book Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. Please note: There is no book besides the Bible that is infallible. Please compare all books to the Word of God before accepting its view.

New job positions, conflicting schedules, and on my part, forgotten emails, have led me to this web page. My proposal to my friends is for me to post, Karen and me to discuss, and Angela to provide additional comments when time permits. This allows direction and a timeline for me, something I need to stay regularly engaged. Karen had the great idea that this could be a forum for other women in different congregations as well. I invite all to feel welcome and be a part of the discussion. We are all learning and exploring aspects of God's Word we might have not looked at before. Also, please understand that the background to the discussion is the Bible, which is our source of Truth and Light. Hopefully this will provide help and perhaps guidance to others who happen to stumble over the web page.

My hope is that this proves profitable for the purposes I explained. I pray that through these discussions and bible studies Christian womanhood will be something my daughters will not have to imagine.


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